Sunday, April 6, 2008

I Have Been Abducted By Aliens

So, I haven't posted for ages and here are the reasons:

a) Homework

b) Homework

c) Procrastinating with homweork

and d) All of the above

The stuff that I have going at the moment:
Science articles thing-I have done 4 articles (and I feel very proud)
English short story (I should really start that)
Sose assingment (but I have a bit more time to do that one becuase it's due in the holidays)
Health (better not to ask)
Sport (did everyone just go 'what the?')
Maths (I really need to get my head around factorization)
Language Diary (for english and I really should put some more stuff into it before our teacher asks to see it)

Yep, so thats heaps.......and I am going to collapse from a homework overload......T.T

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